Freelancing is not a new thing in business. Choosing a good freelancer is not an easy job, you never want to give your work to someone who messes it up or wastes your time. Here are some traits to consider before choosing the right candidate for your work:
Check their portfolio:
The best freelancers have their own websites, and blogs to show their work or to contact clients directly. You can choose the best by looking at their websites, reading their posts on public platforms like Quora, LinkedIn, or Reddit, and reading reviews from previous clients.
This is the best method to choose the best freelancer.
Try a premium tech platform :
According to Damien Filliatrault, CEO at Scalable Path, you should try a premium tech freelance platform like Topal, Crew, GUN etc to save your time and reduce the risk of hiring the wrong freelancer.
A common problem with websites like Upwork, Freelancer, and People Per Hour is that they focus on volume rather than quality. The rating system could be exploited easily and thus, compromises the quality of work.
Compare the rates :
An indirect approach is to compare the candidate’s hourly rates to the average rate in their country. See if he’s charging too much at a beginner level or is, he scamming you.
Make a plan :
First of all, know what your company needs. Understanding your goals and achieving them must be your top priority. Knowing these things helps you to easily explain things and the agency will focus on them, without wasting time. It would not only save you time but also prevent you from doing any extra work.
Reputation in the market :
Look at the freelancer’s market status. Are they getting no clients? What do their past clients say about them? These key factors say a lot about the agency. Check out their about page and look at the team members. A good team will lessen the burden on your shoulders.
Every project needs the right expert to work on it. And the agency matters a lot, choosing what’s best for you and achieving your goals can be a tuff situation. However, I hope that the above points can help a lot. Keep those in mind before going for the agency. If the agency doesn’t feel good, then look for another. There are thousands of freelancing agencies out there.
I hope this article will help you to choose the best freelancer.